35 km/h
4°c ressentie
35 km/h
4°c ressentie
What advantages ?
> No waiting line at the skipass office.
> Use the same card in several ski resort.
> Get promotions on Internet.
What fees ?
Simple Letter : offered
What delivery timing?
It is necessary to take into account the delivery time in order to get your skipass on time for your holidays:
Metropolitan France, the order has to be completed the latest 7 days before the 1st day of pass
DOM-TOM and foreign countries, the order has to be completed the latest 10 days before the 1st day of pass.
The orders are sent by La Poste.
You can choose to receive your ski pass order directly at home.
How to benefit?
Select home delivery in the delivery step.
Once you get the passes, you will be able to go directly to the lifts. No need to come to the skipass offices!
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Retrouvez dans votre compte toutes vos infos perso, vos skieurs, vos cartes rechargeables, vos commandes, vos factures, etc.